Monday, May 21, 2007

Pronouncing Individual Sounds : Part One

This is more of a teaching article, but it contains a good explanation for some pronunciation issues and some suggestions for working on those issues.

In short the author indicates that there are 3 reasons why language learners have difficulty with some sounds.
1) The sound may not exist in their first language.
2) The sound may exist, but it is used differently in their first language.
3) The sound may exist in their first language, but it is not perceived by them.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Dan Reading Pronouncing the Phonemes on the List

Here is a recording of me reading the list of Phonemes that I handed out on the first day of class.

Use this as a quick reference or see some of the other resources on this page for other pronunciation examples.

Please, right-click on this links and choose, "save file as..." to save it to your computer so you can play it over and over again and not use up my server resources :)
